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Two cyclists ride in support of The Eve Appeal

The Eve Appeal

Charity of the Year for the 2023 Ford RideLondon-Essex 60

It’s time to make gynaecological cancers diseases of the past.

Every day, 60 women and people with gynaecological organs are diagnosed with one of the five gynae cancers – womb, ovarian, cervical, vulval and vaginal. Every day, 21 will sadly die from one of these cancers. That’s too many.

The Eve Appeal is proud to be the Charity of the Year for the 2023 Ford RideLondon-Essex 60. Cycle 60 miles, one for each person diagnosed with a gynaecological cancer every day.

You can help fund cutting-edge research into the prevention and earlier detection of these diseases. You can start a life-saving conversation about the signs and symptoms. Together, we can prevent these cancers from occurring in the first place.

Join Team Eve today and help us make gynaecological cancers diseases of the past.

A cyclist rides in support of The Eve Appeal

Join Team Eve today

Cycle 60 miles, one for each person diagnosed with a gynaecological cancer every day.

Together we can make gynaecological cancers diseases of the past

The Eve Appeal

A cyclist rides in support of The Eve Appeal

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