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If you have a question about Ford RideLondon, take a look at our hot topics below to find instant answers to our most common and current queries.

Hot topics

Road closures

You can call our road closure helpline on 0207 902 0213.


It is open between 23 to 25 May from 09:30 to 17:00 and 26 May from 05:00 to 19:00.


An additional number 0207 902 0212 is available between 05:00 and 19:00 on Sunday 26 May.


You can also view interactive road closure maps here.


Updating details

If any details need updating, you can edit your registration via your confirmation email from Let's Do This. 

Still need help?

If the above hot topics do not answer your question, our FAQs page is a great place to find instant answers to some of our other most common enquiries.

If you’ve read our FAQs and still need our help, you can fill out our contact form. Please only contact us once as multiple enquiries can slow down our response time.