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Ford RideLondon

Ford RideLondon App

Download the Ford RideLondon App!

Whether you're getting set to cycle or show your support as a spectator, the Ford RideLondon App contains everything you need for the best-possible Ride Day experience.

Among other features, the app includes route maps, event information, a spectator guide and GPS tracking, so friends and family can follow riders as they take on 100, 60 or 30 miles through central London and rural Essex.

Top features of the Ford RideLondon App

  • If you’re a rider, set up GPS tracking to allow supporters to accurately follow your progress on the app. This makes it easy for them to see your position along the route and be at the finish in time to meet you!

    Spectators can track as many as 25 riders in the Ford RideLondon-Essex 100, 60 or 30 events at any time.
  • Support a rider’s fundraising efforts by donating directly to their chosen charity! Simply search for them via the Tracking section of the app then click DONATE on their rider details screen to do your bit for their chosen cause.

  • Check out the route maps for the Ford RideLondon-Essex 100, 60 and 30, as well as the family-friendly Ford RideLondon FreeCycle. You can also view the maps for each stage of the three-day Ford RideLondon Classique women’s pro race – a spectacle you won’t want to miss!
  • Find out where to follow the cycling action and learn more about the other activities on offer in Essex over the Ford RideLondon weekend.
  • The app provides details of key timings and locations so you can plan your Ford RideLondon visit with ease.
  • Snap your Ford RideLondon success with our selection of selfie frames – they’re the ideal way to add fun to your Finish Line photos!

About GPS tracking

To help you and those who are supporting you check your position on the Ford RideLondon route, you'll need to set up GPS tracking on the App.

To set up GPS tracking, simply go to the ‘My Event’ section and add your Rider Number along with the email you used to book your place. Your Rider Number was emailed to you on Thursday 16 May with the subject line ‘Login details for the Ford RideLondon App!’

Why use GPS tracking?

While your rider number will contain a tracking chip, this chip will only record your split times at a limited number of points along the route. So, to help those who are tracking you get the clearest, most consistent picture of your ride, we highly recommend you make the most of GPS tracking.

Top tips

  • For GPS tracking to work on Ride Day, check you have the latest version of the Ford Ride London App installed and set up correctly on your smartphone:      
    • iPhone users: disable low power mode
    • Android smartphone users: change your device settings according to these instructions
  • The app will only work on iOS 13 or a later version.
  • Using GPS tracking requires a lot of battery power, so charge your phone fully before your ride. You could even carry a portable battery pack with you if you have one.